Councillor Information
Parish Councillors are elected every four years and take office four days after an election. They look after village matters and in Aldborough and in Thurgarton, own and manage The Green including the play area. They are consulted by NNDC on planning applications in Aldborough and Thurgarton, generally report on highways problems, such as potholes, flooding, etc., and look after the village assets, such as the village sign, notice boards and benches. If you have anything you would like to discuss with our Councillors, or you would like something to be put on the Agenda for the next meeting, the contact details for Aldborough and Thurgarton Parish Councillors are as follows:
Cllr. David Hooker – Chair
Cricketers Rest, The Green, Aldborough, NR11 7AA
Tel: via Clerk
Email: via Clerk
Cllr. Ricki Gadsby
Swift Cottage, The Green, Aldborough, NR11 7AA
Tel: via Clerk
Email: via Clerk
(Particular interest: Chair of Wildlife Area Committee)
Cllr. Tina Hooker
Cricketers Rest, The Green, Aldborough, NR11 7AA
Tel: via Clerk
Email: via Clerk
(Particular interest: Ecology matters, Greener Aldborough)
Cllr. James Mumford
Greystones, Thurgarton Road, Aldborough, NR11 7NY
Tel: via Clerk
Email: via Clerk
(Particular interest: Treasurer)
Cllr. Guy Fiske
2, Chapel Road, Aldborough, NR11 7NN
Tel: via Clerk
Email: via Clerk
(Particular interest: Childrens' play area)
Cllr. Helen Hudson
Scarrow Beck 9, Pipit's Meadow, Aldborough, NR11 7NW
Tel: via Clerk
Email: via Clerk
(Particular interest: Aldborough Village Fayre)